Perpetual Vows in Haiti

On September 28, the fourth member of our Haitian group made her final vows.

Due to the very difficult political situation in Haiti, contact with them has recently been limited only to emails. Therefore, we were unable to participate in the ceremony.

Let us pray for peace for Haiti and the whole world.

Our feasts...

During the holidays there was a lot of information about retreats and in the flood of information there was no information about celebrating the feast of St. Dominic... so on the occasion of our patronal feast - the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross - a few words about both and therefore about who we are.

Although we do not live together, we celebrate as a Community, both in August and September, but also when one of us has a private holiday. How do we do this? We call, we write, we connect online, we meet whenever we can. And most importantly... we are united by the Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours, in which we are always together, even if at different times. This is our celebration, but what are we celebrating?

We belong to the Dominican family, and every family has a father. Apart from God, who is the Father of us all, our Father is St Dominic, who teaches us to live close to God and to others, to give God to others and to bring others to God in our prayers.

Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross... we are a Community founded in the name of Jesus Crucified and we try to include our whole life in his saving sacrifice and paschal victory. Living in the world, we are sent to proclaim by our way of life the love that allowed itself to be crucified, so that we may live eternally and be witnesses that we, Christians, live in the midst of the world but belong to God.

Annual Retreat 2024 English Group

The English branch of the Institute held their retreat from 19th-25th August this year at St Paul’s Convent in Birmingham. They were joined by three members of the Polish Province, Ola, Kasia, and Agnieska, not for the first time, as these three members have good English and could benefit from the talks and conversation that are an important part of this week and provide important support to the four English/Irish core participants of the institute in these islands.

St Paul’s convent is an excellent venue because the retreat wing of the building is new and beautifully finished, only last year with large bedrooms, en-suite showers a private chapel, a meeting and dining room with well –kept gardens and mass in the Church of the main building daily.

The theme of the week was Contemplation and Action. There was office of readings individually before breakfast, morning prayer and adoration afterwards then mass followed by our first session which took the form of Lection Divina from John’s gospel, the Prologue, the Samaritan Woman and the Discourse on the Living Bread, Come Down From Heaven, each person choosing a verse to share with others there present. In the afternoons there was another session based on the Constitutions on Prayer, Consecration and Mission. In the evening there was Vespers and Adoration again followed by Rosary and Night Prayer or the occasional video supplied by Cini from Shalom World’s tv programmes after supper.

Our fourth day, Friday, was different as it was to be the day Lucy entered into her two- year Probationary period, the feast day of St Rose of Lima, the first saint of the Americas. The Reverend John Farrell OP came from the Leicester Priory to celebrate the mass for her ceremony in the very beautiful church of the main house. Kasia played the organ and we sang lovely hymns. Father John preached on St Catherine of Siena and Lucy was admitted to the Institute’s first formation and presented with a Bible. In the afternoon Father John gave us a talk on the Declaration of the Laity from Vatican II emphasizing that through baptism we are made Priests, Prophets and Kings.

Our Saturday sessions were an introduction to St Thomas, Lucy leading us on his Metaphysics and Veronica on his theology of the Incarnation. Both led us to a resolution to study him more during the year. Our retreat finished with lunch on Sunday after which people dispersed to airports, railway stations and motorways.

Retreat in Congo 2024

A retreat for the Congolese group took place from the 3rd to the 8th of August at the Community House in Kinshasa.

It was led by Fr. Pierre Rodin Kawusu OP, who accompanied the group, on the theme of the Our Father, deepening various aspects of the Constitutions of our Institute and the evangelical counsels.

After the retreat, on the 10th August, during the solemn Mass, two made their perpetual vows, one renewed her vows and six officially began the period of First Contacts.

Retreat 2024 in the Côte d'Ivoire

This year, from 27 July to 1 August, a group from Côte d'Ivoire held their retreat. The retreat took place in Jamusukro, in the school of faith of the Dominican friars. The theme of this year's retreat was: 'EUCHARISTIC SACRAMENT OF UNITY FOR SYNODALITY'.

Father reminded us that the Sacrament of the Eucharist is also called the Sacrament of Love and Unity. This love that unites the Trinity is revealed in the diversity of the Father who is not the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Son who is not the Father and the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit who is not the Father and the Son. Each has a place in this diversity. Where there is the Father, there is the Son and the Holy Spirit, Pentecost is the celebration of the fulfilment of the Son's promise, the Eucharist is the compendium of all the sacraments.

Each time we celebrate, we realise unity, 'communion'. The Father humbles himself so that the Son may be exalted, and the Son humbles himself in all simplicity, in all humility. The whole plan is given by the Son and completes the mission, leaving room for the Spirit. The way from sacrifice to sacrifice is the way to unity and communion.

This retreat was an opportunity for each of the members present to reflect sincerely before the Blessed Sacrament, which was exposed every afternoon; each of us made concrete decisions about the importance of being able to build unity among ourselves in imitation of the Holy Trinity, as a guarantee of witness, understanding and harmony within the group.

During this retreat, two members renewed their vows for the fourth year, one began a period of probation and another began a period of first contacts.

Meeting with extraordinary women, retreat in Poland 2024

The time of retreat is a gift from God. Time for Him. It's time to deepen our relationship with Him. This year's retreat was dedicated to women. Those we know from the Bible and those who became saints by being "truly devoted to God". Each of us has probably discovered in the women mentioned some character or quality that has interested, fascinated and intrigued us. Perhaps it helped us to discover something new or to rediscover what we knew but had forgotten. As in life, there are as many reflections, conclusions, discoveries and resolutions as there are people. However, it must be admitted that the retreat leader showed the women of the Bible in a non-obvious way.

Sarah - was portrayed as a woman who laughs, and laughs in utter disbelief, because God comes at the "hottest time of the day", when no one is expecting Him, and promises her a descendant. Can a woman who is "past her prime" still expect to have a child? Humanly impossible. But God's logic is completely different from ours. How do we recognise God who enters our lives so unexpectedly?
Hagar - a rejected woman, yet her dignity is much deeper than what we can see with our eyes. The spiritual reality is much more powerful than the material, and in everyday life we focus mainly on what we can see, what is material, tangible. Because it's easier. How often do I realise that my daily decisions and choices are reflected in the spiritual world?
Judith - a woman who fights for others, using her charm, cunning and self
and self-respect. He risks his life to save the lives of others. He doesn't fight against ... he fights for ... He knows who he is and he knows how to use it. Can I consciously live my consecration?
Ruth - a stranger, but in this strange land she finds help, kindness and love. Boaz becomes her Goel. Consecration is like a "foreign" land, but in our consecration we find love. Jesus is our Saviour - Goel. Can I love when I feel alienated?
Mary Magdalene - a loving woman. Her love has a beginning but never ends. She stands at the tomb of Jesus and weeps, and these tears crumble the stone of the tomb. This is true love. It never ends. Love does not die. Do I love
and allow myself to be loved?
Mary - the Virgin who listened to the Word of God, who said "Amen" to God, who offered her life to Him. Consecration requires sacrifice. Can I persevere in my gift?
The retreat guide was also a gift from God to us. From our retreat master it is worth learning prayer, great respect for the person, solid and reliable work, perfect preparation and a harmonious combination of the spiritual and the physical. Each day ended with a delicious afternoon tea with a reference to the place of origin of the holy women about whom the retreat leader spoke so eloquently: The Little Arab, Rafka, Joan of Arc, Veronica Giuliani, Catherine of Siena.

This year, in our community, one person made vows for the next year and all the others renewed their perpetual vows. One is preparing to take vows. We are happy with what we have, but... we have decided, at the suggestion of the Provincial, to pray fervently for new vocations to our Institute.

We thank God the Most High for this time.


The General Council of the Institute was held from 10 to 13 July in Milanowek, in the Retreat House of the Sisters Servants of Jesus. All the members of the Council took part in the deliberations: The responsible General, two Assistants and two Councillors. Following the election of the former First Assistant, Annick, to the position of Responsible for the French Province in May of this year, her place was taken by Barbara from Poland.

The Council began its deliberations with a reflection on a theme chosen from the Gospel of Saint John: "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (Jn 8:32). The members then read the reports on the activities of the past year, before discussing the following topics: the situation of the Province and of the groups of the Institute, the status of the Associates, the promotion of the Institute and of vocations, formation, contacts with Dominican friars and finances. The organisation of the co-denominational meeting to be held in Angers next year was also discussed.

The discussions took place in a cordial and fraternal atmosphere, with a sense of responsibility and care for each person belonging to the Institute. It was strengthened by common prayer. There was also a time of joyful recreation.

Annual retreat at the Pastoral Centre of St Martin's Shrine - Ho Nai

On the morning of 1 July 2024, all 13 members of the Vietnamese group met to participate in the 4-day annual retreat led by Father Joseph Nguyen Van Hien OP. The theme of the retreat was Stop and Look (Jer 6:16).

We have walked many paths and are still moving forward. Therefore, we need to stop and reflect and contemplate what God's will is, and then, with His help, we can boldly set out again!

St Dominic spoke only to God and about God. Let us imitate him so that the Word of God becomes the centre of our lives. Let the Word of God apply to everything and guide all our daily actions. Let us listen to God's voice through the Mass, through liturgical prayers, through devotions, through changes in the world, through the everyday things that happen in life, even through our own successes and failures. We too talk to God and speak of God like St Dominic, but we must remember to speak of God according to the Gospel.

We are called to live according to the Gospel, especially the three evangelical counsels. We should absorb every word of the Gospel, to live, act in the midst of hard and busy days. We live in the world, but we are not of the world.

Stop and look! The most basic foundation is to live in relationship with God. St Dominic preached only after contemplation. Constitutions 44-48: they speak of the relationship of the life of prayer and its importance. Our life is a life of prayer. It is only through a life of prayer that apostolic activity can be of true value.

News from France

"Let us live ever more deeply peace and brotherhood together with the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit"

Reflection on brotherhood between people, especially in the community (and groups) of the Institute, was an important topic of the meeting of the representatives of the Province of France at the turn of April and May 2024 in the retreat house at the Benedictine monastery in Étiolles (approx. 40 km south of Paris). Representatives of all groups in this Province came, unfortunately with the exception of Haiti, where there is a civil war going on and people cannot leave. People from France, Congo, Vietnam, Ivory Coast and the General Moderator from Poland met. The five-day Our Father retreat was led by Father Philippe Jeannin, OP. Deep and informative conferences prompted many questions, reflections and independent thinking, so they often ended with a free exchange of ideas. Right at the beginning, Father Philippe asked the question: “How to live the message of the Our Father prayer? How can we make this prayer a program of life?” No wonder the conferences evoked a lively response from the audience.

On Friday, May 3, the elections for the Provincial Moderator and her Council were held. Annick Masson was elected Provincial, and three Provincial Councilors were elected: Thérèse Nguyen (France), Florine Salaï (France - La Réunion Island) and Béatrice Dah (Ivory Coast).

The week spent together was a great opportunity to renew bonds and meet new people. There was no end to the conversations, discussions and questions. There was time to share the realities of life of each group, news about specific people, current problems, but also to remember old times. There was time for jokes and laughter, for walks, for celebrating Annick's birthday.

On Friday, apart from the elections, an important and symbolic event was the admission of a new person to the Institute for the period of first contacts. She is an African living permanently in France, who has already become known as a regular participant in the meetings of the Paris group.

During this week we managed not only to share our reflections on brotherhood, but to truly experience it. Thanks be to God!

Visit to the Polish Province April 2024

On Friday 26th April 2024 Janet and Cini of the UK Group of the Dominican Secular Institute of Orleans visited the Polish province in Warsaw as they are now officially a part of that Province of the Institute. The main event scheduled was the bi-monthly meeting of the members of the different groups in Poland for a meeting on the Saturday at the convent of the Congregation of the Sisters of Disciples of the Divine Master in Warsaw.

For Janet it was a reunion with many of the members she had met before when she was on the General Council and at the General Assembly and when she was Second Assistant in the Institute. Cini too had met several of the group before in Ireland. It was a joy for them to meet with Maria who had travelled from Poznan especially to meet with Janet, with Agnieszka and for the first time with Ania, Provincial of Poland. Everyone was so kind and it was a wonderful opportunity to deepen and renew our friendships. We enjoyed the day and joined in discussions in English with some brave and competent English speakers in the Polish group, on the vow of Obedience. So many people made the effort to speak to us in English. We were very grateful.

Staying in your beautiful apartment was also a pleasure with such nice food and outlook, the masses at the Dominican church and your overwhelming hospitality. The days following were just as good with outings to the church of Saint Faustina and the grave of Jerzy Popieluszko as well as the trip to the cell of Maximillian Kolbe, all in beautiful sunshine and in the company always of members of the Institute who had given up their time or their cars to entertain us and give us such joy in their company.

Sadly Janet had to go home on Tuesday but Cini stayed till Friday and visited Cracow, the Divine Mercy Sanctuary and the Dominican church, also a Franciscan church frequented by St John Paul II. She saw also the Dominican Church in the old City of Warsaw, Chopin’s house and garden and not least went for a barbecue at the summer house of one of us, all in the most pleasant company of women from our community who were enjoying a week of holidays in Poland in the sunshine.

THANK YOU VERY DEAR SISTERS for a wonderful week.


On February 14, we began another Lent. This is a very important time also for our Institute. We are once again entering a special time of conversion. On Ash Wednesday, each of us attended Holy Mass in our church, we did not meet each other, but we remained in the Community.

This year, Lent begins immediately after the day of consecrated life, and during the Holy Mass on Ash Wednesday, the thought occurred to me that our consecration is also strongly connected with Lent and the time of conversion. As consecrated persons, we participate in the Sacrifice of Jesus every day and can immerse the whole world in His blood, which gives salvation. With this in mind, I go into Lent to immerse myself and all people in God's Love and to bring to others the fruits of the Eucharist, in which I have the privilege of participating daily.

Admission of a new member in Great Britain

On Saturday 3rd February 2024, I formally entered a period of first contact with the Dominican Secular Institute of Orleans. Our friendly local Jesuit community very kindly allowed the ceremony to take place during a Mass at St Dominic's priory, their home (Newcastle sadly has no Dominican community at the moment - let's pray for more vocations to the Order of Preachers!). I felt deeply honoured to take this first step in what I hope will be a lifelong commitment to Christ, our Divine Bridegroom. Curiously enough, I have long held a devotion to Christ as the incarnation of Holy Wisdom, and have understood my philosophical vocation as a call to be, literally, a lover of Wisdom Himself. How surprised and overjoyed I was to learn that that the Old Testament reading for the day was from 1 Kings 3, where Solomon asks God for Wisdom! Please pray for me as I continue to discern the Lord's will for my life.

February 2nd - 28th Day of Consecrated Life

You wanted no sacrifice or cereal offering, but you gavea body (...). Then I said: Here I am, I am coming in the scroll of the book it is written of me, to do your will, God (Hebrews 10:5-7).

Dear All,
February 2nd, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, is our feast day. We celebrate our offering to God with gratitude. Offering fully, until the end of our earthly life and for eternity. Each of us is whole for God - and whole for the world, living in it according to the evangelical counsels.
Today I would like to remind all of us of our vocation to bear witness and to live the vow of chastity. Let Saint John Paul II speak to us:

In our world, where it often seems that the signs of God's presence have been lost from sight, a convincing prophetic witness on the part of consecrated persons is increasingly necessary. In the first place this should entail the affirmation of the primacy of God and of eternal life, as evidenced in the following and imitation of the chaste, poor and obedient Christ, who was completely consecrated to the glory of God and to the love of his brethren. (…) Consecrated persons are being asked to bear witness everywhere with the boldness of a prophet who is unafraid of risking even his life.
The reply of the consecrated life [to a hedonistic culture which separates sexuality from all objective moral norms] is above all in the joyful living of perfect chastity, as a witness to the power of God's love manifested in the weakness of the human condition. The consecrated person attests that what many have believed impossible becomes, with the Lord's grace, possible and truly liberating. Yes, in Christ it is possible to love God with all one's heart, putting him above every other love, and thus to love every creature with the freedom of God! (…) The consecrated life must present to today's world examples of chastity lived by men and women who show balance, self-mastery, an enterprising spirit, and psychological and affective maturity. Thanks to this witness, human love is offered a stable point of reference: the pure love which consecrated persons draw from the contemplation of Trinitarian love, revealed to us in Christ. Precisely because they are immersed in this mystery, consecrated persons feel themselves capable of a radical and universal love, which gives them the strength for the self-mastery and discipline necessary in order not to fall under the domination of the senses and instincts. Consecrated chastity thus appears as a joyful and liberating experience.
(St. John Paul II, Vita consecrata, 85 and 88).

For the world in which we live, consecrated chastity is a challenge and a sign of opposition. The world does not believe that without having a sexual life and experiencing everything that comes with it, you can be a happy, fulfilled and sincerely devoted person to other people. Unfortunately, this thinking also permeates the Church. In the midst of universal confusion and ambiguity, when Jesus' ">>Yes<< if you means yes, >>No<< if you means no" is so missing (Mt 5:37), our vocation as consecrated women is not only to testify to the value of our lives, but to stand by God's Truth through our way of thinking, building pure, unambiguous relationships with others, the words we speak and our actions. God's Truth is Jesus, the Holy Scripture and the Tradition of the Church, not changing opinions and views, even theological ones.
Our world is becoming more divided and dangerous. We look with pain at the events in the Holy Land, in Ukraine (the 707th day of the war), at the bleeding Haiti, at the disturbance in the Congo, at the multiple crises in Western Europe and the dangerous political conflict in Poland. All these phenomena also have a dimension of spiritual struggle. Let us not be afraid to undertake it with prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Our fidelity to God and His Truth also means adhering to the traditional teaching of the Church: the protection of human life and family are the most important criteria for all the choices we make in political and social life.

God chose each of us for himself. God chooses you, trusts you, gives you a mission to fulfill for the Church and the world. You can fulfill his mission in any conditions, even in sickness, among all human hardships and limitations, and in old age.
I wish you an increasingly deeper and more cordial relationship with Jesus, so that His Life becomes your life more and more fully.
with prayer
Agnieszka (General Moderator)

February 2, 2024 in Vietnam

​On February 2, 2024, all consecrated persons, priests, men and women religious and members of the secular institutes of the Archdiocese of Saigon came to the Pastoral Center to pray, learn and wish a good New Year to Cardinal Bishop Joseph and the Assistant Bishop.
The meeting began with the Holy Mass, after a common prayer, the gathered people expressed their best wishes to the bishop. There was time to get to know each other and build relationships. It was a wonderful day according to the members of our Institute present at the meeting.
“Têt Nguyên dan” is the Vietnamese New Year celebration, literally “celebration of the first day of the year.” In Vietnam, it is the most important holiday of the year.
The symbol of the Vietnamese New Year is the Dragon.

Meeting in the Polish Province - January 27th

The first day of the retreat in 2024 held a special significance. It commenced in the usual manner, with breviary prayer and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Following that, there was the Eucharist and a conference delivered by Father Kamil Strójwąs OCD.

Father shared his reflections with us after reading the seventh sermon of St. John Henry Newman (1801 – 1890), which was based on the analysis of the First Letter of St. John the Apostle. An exceptional 19th-century theologian, philosopher, and preacher, even as an Anglican priest, Newman spoke about the identity of a Christian in the world as if he lived in the 21st century. During the conference, Father Kamil presented his "discovery," leading to several conclusions:
1) The timeless convergence of the world, where the "Spirit of Antichrist" battles the "Spirit of Truth," is astonishing.
2) We preach the Gospel in a manner reminiscent of how the world disseminates its falsehoods.
3) The world doesn't provide reasoned arguments; it simply imposes itself, and religion "does not fit" into its framework because it appeals to our imagination.
4) The world defeats us when it overcomes our faith.

The second part of the meeting assumed a festive and communal character: singing carols, selecting people for whom each of us will pray throughout the year, exchanging gifts, and enjoying a joyful "time for others," which involved being together with endless conversations.
“Lord, it's good for us to be here” resonated in the hearts of all those present, unfortunately somewhat reduced in number due to infections and other obstacles. However, smartphones with the capability to record and share photos and conference highlights became a source of praise.

Retreat in Birmingham UK

On 20th November six of us gathered at the convent of St Paul’s Selly Park for our annual retreat. The topic was the Prophets, the six people were Janet, the Moderator of the English group Cini, about to take her final vows at the end of the retreat, Veronica a friend of the group and a Trustee of their endowment fund. There were also three Polish members, as the English group is now a part of the Polish province, Ola who speaks good English and translates from Polish to English, Kasia who is a wonderful musician and trained us as a choir in the music for Cini’s profession and finally Agnieszka, our International Moderator to receive Cini’s vows.

The retreat House and the church in the house are beautiful and we had our own meeting room and private chapel. Every day we looked at the Prophets and shared our favourite readings from them, messages of suffering and disasters but also of great hope as the Israelites learnt to live under God’s rule. Father Richard Ounsworth OP, a scripture scholar, joined us for a day and reinforced the message of the Prophets as they looked forward to the Day of the Lord, beginning with the coming of Jesus the Great Prophet and the Word of the Lord.

Cini’s profession mass was beautiful and greatly enhanced by the presence of her uncle Jose, a priest of the Syro- Malabar Rite in the UK, from India, Father Roy, the spiritual director of Shalom World, a global Catholic media company for which Cini works and from Texas Santo Thomas, the CEO of that group who had travelled such distances to support Cini in her Final Vows. The whole mass was livestreamed and watched in India, in America and Poland as well as being recorded for future reference. Our retreat ended with a Sunday lunch with the sisters in their beautiful dining room and we were so grateful for their warm welcome and hospitality throughout the week. We have booked in for next year!

CR: Meet the Dominican family
On November 11, 2023, we are invited as usual to the Dominican Sisters of Rosa Lima to celebrate the 700th anniversary of the canonization of Saint Thomas Aquinas, and at the same time express our congratulations to the Dominican Sisters of Rosa Lima on the occasion of the 50th Jubilee of its foundation.
Father Provincial Thomas Aquinas of the Dominicans, introduced us to more than 20 Dominican Congregations in Vietnam, as the Dominican Secular Institute of Orléans, as well to many brothers and sisters from the lay Dominican fraternities.

Mgr Paul Nguyen Thai Hop (Op), celebrated Mass with a number of Dominican fathers. In his homily Mgr Paul spoke of the solemnity of the liturgy, by highlighting three dimensions: the religious, the sacred and the ecclesiological. It was a memorable mass, which everyone attended with enthusiasm, solemnity, and warm brotherly love in the large family of the children of Saint Dominic. During the mass, there were 3 prayers, for 2 Congregations and a prayer for our Institute, Marie Paul Thuy represented them by singing. It was also a timely opportunity because after the mass, many sisters and brothers inquired about our Secular Dominican Institute of Orléans.

After mass, we took a souvenir photo together. The atmosphere of the day was very exciting, warm, full of joy and laughter All those who meet one another are very happy, surrounded, everywhere as they are by the children of Saint Dominic. Then everyone shared the fraternal meal. While going to get food, Mgr Paul approaches Marie Paul, shakes her hand and asks her: Which community do you belong to?- We are Dominican Secular Institutes of Orléans. He said, “Congratulations, sister!” The annual meeting of the Vietnamese Dominican Family is over, but it still leaves me with a lasting joy: the joy of being a child of Saint Dominic, and even more joyfully, it is an opportunity for others to know our Institute. Let us hope that in the near future our Institute will be truly strong thanks to the support of the Holy Spirit and his love. Each of us, sisters, will be this passionate fire, a witness in life to being a follower of Jesus Christ crucified and resurrected!

Election of Group Moderator in Ivory Coast

On Saturday, October 21, 2023, we met at the Ivory Coast community house for our monthly meeting; after Morning Prayer there was an exchange of messages from everyone. Brother Didier AKONWONKPAN OP, who accompanied the group in the synod movement, delivered a conference on the topic: "The Church as a place of solidarity and fraternity leading to communion." The brother's presentation encouraged us to reflect and see how we felt and showed our
solidarity and brotherhood on a daily basis. Here are some key thoughts:
• The brother made us understand that all our actions must be directed towards communion, and the source of our communion is the sacrament of baptism.
• Solidarity is a form of support, not help, it fits into the four principles of the Church and obliges us to develop the love hidden within us.
• Fraternity is demanding, it leads us to transcend ourselves, to allow others to come closer to us. Brotherhood leads us to Christ.
• Crossing the bridge means sharing a common path; this requires of us a missionary spirit, to be brothers and sisters first in humanity and then in Christ; even if we are not friends.
• Do we know the history of our Institute well?
• Do we open and read our Constitutions?

After the presentation and a short period of meditation and discussion, the five perpetual professed members and brother withdrew to elect a new group leader for Ivory Coast.

Our Feast

September 14 is the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, and at the same time our patronal feast, a special day for our Institute as a whole, but also for each of us individually. In Vietnam and Poland, on the weekend of September 16-17, we met to celebrate together.

Retreat in Ivory Coast

From Tuesday, July 26 to Monday, July 31, 2023, the annual retreat of members of the Ivory Coast Group of the Dominican Secular Institute in Orleans took place in Bouaké, in the Good News Monastery of the Benedictine Sisters; this retreat was led by Louis Marie BAMBU OP. The common theme for all members of the Institute around the world was "The Roman Canon and the Gospel of St. Mark".
In addition to the members of the Institute, there were present two young women, who wanted to devote their lives to serving the Church through secular consecration. This time of silence and contemplation was favorable for everyone; everyone had enough time to rest and be with Jesus present in His Word and the Holy Sacrament on the altar.
During the Sunday ceremony on July 30, 2023, two members renewed their commitment to follow Christ at the Institute; and one officially started formation; let us thank God for all the graces and blessings towards our family, may His Most Holy Name be always glorified and blessed with the testimony of our lives, and may He in His great goodness grant us new and holy vocations to the Institute.

„New wine, new wineskins.”

On July 30, an Inter-Institute meeting was held in Vietnam. We were happy that we can meet and share our wealth with others. There were over 100 people from 10 institutes. Everything went well in an atmosphere of joy, brotherhood and peace.

The theme of the meeting was: „New wine, new wineskins.”

The conclusions we have reached: We must become new wineskins. It’s not just about religions, but also about way of being. There is no determinism, as it says in the parable of the Sower, there is good earth that receives and multiplies God’s gifts, and stones on which everything withers. This encourages us to want to be good land. Likewise, we can choose to work at not remaining old wineskins, but always being new. You need to work on the flexibility of your mind, your ability to accept what’s new and change your habits. We must allow the spirit to work within us, be available and fresh to welcome life, otherwise we are doomed to breakdown. When Jesus says that we must not pour new wine into old wineskins, it does not mean that we are willing to let this new wine go to waste if we are old wineskins. The new wine is the wine of life and that is why we are to be new wineskins to welcome the Kingdom of God through the eyes of a child... Not through the eyes of a man who thinks he knows everything and has nothing more to discover.


On July 23-29, a retreat was held in the Polish Province. It was a time of stopping and bending over the Word of God and the Eucharist, as well as deepening one's relationship with the Lord. At that time we received the sad news of the unexpected death of one of our members in Congo, we were very moved by this fact and our entire community prayed for her.

At the end of the retreat, one of the members took her perpetual vows, one started the probation period and one renewed her profession for another year. The ceremony was even more joyful, because it was also attended by two women from the French Province, who came to the meeting of the General Council, which began immediately after the end of the retreat and deliberated for 3 days, addressing the most important and urgent matters related to the functioning of the Institute around the world.

Then the General Moderator, her two Assistants and several members of the Polish Province went to rest together. During these days, we tried to build a community, have fun, develop our interests, and also show our guests from France and Ivory Coast a bit of Polish history (anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, monuments of Warsaw and Cracow) and places of worship that are particularly important for our nation (Łagiewniki, Częstochowa...). We also paid a lot of attention to the person of John Paul II - we visited the museum in Wadowice, Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, the Sanctuary of John Paul II the Great in Cracow. As it turned out, one of the Assistants, when she worked as a stewardess, flew with him on a plane during a pilgrimage to African countries, which she told us with great pleasure. We also spent the Feast of St. Father Dominic - we went to the solemn Eucharist in Cracow at the Dominicans and spent time enjoying being in the community.


This last week six of us from the Dominican Secular Institute met at St Mary’s in Birmingham for some days of study as we do from time to time. St Mary’s convent is run by the Sisters of Mercy who have been able to offer wonderful hospitality including wonderful food, to both day and residential groups in their beautiful Pugin house in Handsworth, built at the same time as he was working on St Chad’s Cathedral mid-nineteenth century.

Our topics for study were St Paul and his letter to the Romans and we were fortunate to have two very rich talks on the first day by Father Richard Ounsworth OP who lectures in Scripture
at Blackfriars, Oxford. On the second day we looked at different aspects of prayer in the Catechism of the Catholic Church including liturgical prayer, Contemplation, and bringing prayer into our everyday life. We really found helpful and inspiring the method of each person in turn in the group sharing their own experience. In this way we learnt from one another.

It was so good and life-giving to be together in this way if only for a few days. It was particularly enjoyable as we were from two counties, Poland and England, with the Polish members enjoying time in the City Centre and a visit to the shrine of Cardinal St John Henry Newman at the Oratory in Edgbaston on the way to the airport. Our next meeting will be in November for our retreat when one of us will make final vows and we hope very much to have the same people gathering for that week.


The Elective and Deliberative General Assembly of our Institute was held from 5 to 10 August this year. Delegates from all over the world gathered in Angers to elect the new General Moderator, her Assistants and the General Councillors. Already during the deliberations, all those present shared the climate of love and fraternity experienced there. One could sense the presence of the Holy Spirit both during the election and in the discussions about the most important issues for the Institute at the present time.

A Pole, Agnieszka Kuryś, was elected as the new General Moderator for the first time, and her predecessor, French-born Annick Masson, became her First Assistant. Marie Evelyne Irel from the Ivory Coast was elected as Second Assistant. The General Council was completed by two Polish women, Renata and Dorota. We remember each of them in our prayers and wish them many gifts of the Holy Spirit for the coming six years.

During the following days, we reflected on how to draw on the spiritual wealth that St Dominic left us. We analysed how to speak to God about people and to people about God in today's world and how to witness to God's presence in the world and in the Community, at the common table with St Dominic.

During the conference, given by Fr Philippe Jeannin, who accompanied us and ministered throughout the congregation, we heard, among other things, that to be at table with St Dominic is to be both Martha and Mary. Martha to prepare the table and Mary listening to the other person. And this is what our whole life should be...